ACHTUNG!!!! ER Fans (Emergency Room)


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AW: ACHTUNG!!!! ER Fans (Emergency Room)

Ich hab es total verschlafen! :heul:

Alina, was war mit Ray? Ich kann mich gar nicht mehr richtig erinnern. Ich muss mal irgendwo lesen gehen ...


Selfie Queen
AW: ACHTUNG!!!! ER Fans (Emergency Room)

Ray hat doch beide Beine verloren :heul: Er wurde angefahren... nach der Hochzeit....

Aber Ray kam gestern gar nicht vor. Neela war ja auf der Demo und sie wurde dabei verletzt.

Am Ende haben alle gewartet sie nach der OP sehen zu dürfen...



Gehört zum Inventar
AW: ACHTUNG!!!! ER Fans (Emergency Room)

Ray hat doch beide Beine verloren :heul: Er wurde angefahren... nach der Hochzeit....

Aber Ray kam gestern gar nicht vor. Neela war ja auf der Demo und sie wurde dabei verletzt.

Am Ende haben alle gewartet sie nach der OP sehen zu dürfen...



Ich muss dringend die letzten Folgen mal nachlesen. Ich Siebhirn weiss irgendwie gar nix mehr von den letzten Folgen ...


AW: ACHTUNG!!!! ER Fans (Emergency Room)

Ich habs leider auch nicht gesehen:schnarch:

Was ist denn genau mit Neela passiert?

Und sonst noch was?

Bitte, bitte bin unglaublich neugierig...:rolleyes:


Selfie Queen
AW: ACHTUNG!!!! ER Fans (Emergency Room)

Neela war doch auf der Demo. (Irgendwas mit den Leuten im Irak?) Und da hat jemand eine angebliche Bombe reingeschmissen. War aber ein Feuerwerkskörper. Viele verletzte. Und Neela wurde glaub ich "niedergetrampelt"...



AW: ACHTUNG!!!! ER Fans (Emergency Room)

14 x 01 - 27.09.2007 / 23.04.2008
The War Comes Home / Panik

Nach der Panik, die während einer Demonstration durch einen Sprengkörper ausgelöst wurde, werden unentwegt Verletzte in die Notaufnahme gebracht. Moretti, der neue Leiter der Notaufnahme, scheint vollkommen überfordert. Gates behandelt indessen einen Mann, der angeblich bei einem Unfall mit einem Rasenmäher mehrere Finger an einer Hand verloren hat. Gates ist misstrauisch, und bald stellt sich heraus, dass der Mann einen Feuerwerkskörper in die Demonstration geworfen hatte ...


AW: ACHTUNG!!!! ER Fans (Emergency Room)

Ich spoilere mal.

Also hier ist eigentlich eine zusammenfassung auf englisch.

This first comment is from Daisy herself (not me being rude!): Silly Daisy can't tell if this episode is the end of this season or the start of the next so she's playing it safeuntil she finds out for sure.

There's a new intern on the service, and he's just a nice regular guy. Sam tells him he's turned up a month early. He says no, he's more like 11 months late on a ccount of he had a little trouble last year. Ruh-roh, I think I smell a future skeleton in the closet.

There's a mass casualty coming in to County on Moretti's first day as boss. They're down to minimal staff, but Sam tell MICN they can handle 4 majors just because that's the standard. Moretti is not very happy about that.

It's a Peace Rally that ended in a not very peaceful way with people getting knocked down and trampled. And guess what darlings, one of those major casualties was Neela!

Pratt and Morris weren't having a very good day, kiddies. Our Man Moretti doesn't seem to like them much so they were consoling themselves at Ikes when they were paged back to help with the mass casualty. Just imagine, if Moretti doesn't care for them sober, imagine how happy he'll be with them when he thinks they're working on patients drunk.

But not to fear, Archiemaniacs, our man Morris turns a disaster around by presenting him with labs for himself and Pratt to prove that the have hardly any alcohol in their systems and could fly a plane if they happened to be airline pilots. Good thing the paient they're arguing in front of doesn't seem to mind the drama, isn't it?

Alas for the harlots, no mention of Luka, and even Abby is too busy to remember him, between convincing Moretti he's good enough to run the ER when he doubts himself during the mass casualty and then convincing Dubenko that he's too upset about Neela to operate on her himself.

Morris and Gates are working on a young man who's missing half of his hand. He says it happened when he was mowing his lawn, but Gates isn't stupid, well, not all the time anyway, he notices the guy lives in an apartment and when the story changes, figures out that the fingers went bye-bye because this is teh person who threw a cherry bomb into the peace rally and started the stampede. Gates shows off his angst over poor Neela being hurt by dragging the guy into the middle of the ER and showing him all the injured and dead people he's responsible for and yelling at him.

Later on Abby and Moretti discover a grieving man whose granddaughter was killed strangling the guy and by the time they seperate them, the bomber is dead. Very sad, darlings, no happy endings in this episode except for Neela looks like she'll make it.

And we'll all learn our lesson about how very bad not good the war in Iraq is on the homefront.

From Daisy at AEB
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